A little bit different card this year, having a multimedia component accompanying the print version.
We did so much this year, we had to cut down the summary to fit on the back of the card! And with all the animals we've been adding, we may soon have the same issue with front of the card as well!
View all the full-sized photos and read the unabridged 2018 adventures (complete with pictures)!
"Wompwomp wompwompwomp womp" - The Adults
Everything that we've been up to this year and a cute bunny in a dress.
Major life changes threw the schedule off a bit this year, but added a bit of it's own fun as a result.
A new card for a new year and a new location.
Read what we've been up to this past year and check out the individual shots!
Major, *major* points if you get the title reference. . .
View the card, read the year's developments, and see the "making of"!
A photo so cheesy, I had to photshop a bow on Dianna's head.
A year in review, and see the amount of photoshopping needed to make this cheesy a photo.